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The Wire w/ Milly: 21st March, 2023

The Wire w/ Milly: 21st March, 2023

The Wire w/ Milly: 21st March, 2023 The Wire w/ Milly: 21st March, 2023, 100.42 MB
Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Welcome to the Tuesday Wire with Milly and producer Beth!

This week:

  • Milly and Beth talk all things Fungi with Joel Rindelaub for Dear Science
  • Milly has her weekly catch-up with Shane Reti and speaks to him about both healthcare workers and teachers who are struggling in their sectors 
  • Beth speaks to Hera Lindsay Bird about a new advice column in the Spinoff.
  • Milly speaks to Professor Alister Woodward from the University of Auckland regarding the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  • And Milly also spoke to Bianca Ranson from Forest and Bird about the closure of the Scallop fishery in the Hauraki Gulf.