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The Wire w/ Joe: August 1, 2022

The Wire w/ Joe: August 1, 2022

The Wire w/ Joe: August 1, 2022 The Wire w/ Joe: August 1, 2022, 106.87 MB
Monday, August 1, 2022

This week on The Wire for Rāhina Monday!

Joe speaks to Executive Officer Jane Cartwright from the New Zealand Breastfeeding Alliance and Paediatric Society neonatal specialist Nicola Austin about World Breastfeeding Week and what it means to Step Up for Breastfeeding. Joe also spoke to Dr Nic Rawlence, from the Paeleogenetics Lab at the University of Otago, about how deer may have had something to do with the extinction of moa, and how this ties in with making Stewart Island Predator Free.

Trishil speaks to Genna Hawkins-Boulton about the need to have compulsory consent education in schools - part of OurActionStation. He also chats with Professor Stephen Hoadley about a move made by Russia to ban 32 prominent New Zealand figures over ‘Russophobia’. Finally he speaks with Nicky Snoyink from Forest and Bird on their appeal against the consent granted to Stevenson Mining heading to the environmental court.

That's us for the Monday Wire!