The Wire w/ Castor: 8th October, 2024
The Wire w/ Castor: 8th October, 2024

For Dear Science this week, our expert Doctor Cushla McGoverin chatted with us about pterosaur evolution, 2 billion-year-old rocks with living microbes, and an mRNA vaccine for Clostridioides difficile.
In our weekly catchup with the National Party, Wire host Castor spoke to MP Katie Nimon about cuts to Te Ahu o te Reo Māori and the list of 149 projects set for consideration under the Fast-Track Approvals Bill.
On the Green Desk this week our reporter Jack Marshall heads to Wellington to check out how things are going in the Big Apple of Aotearoa. This time, he chatted with Spinoff Wellington editor Joel MacManus about infrastructure, cycleways, and tunnels.
And producer Josef spoke to associate professor of evidence and criminal procedure at the University of Auckland, Scott Optican, about the government opening consultation about changing the way that we do jury trials.