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The Wire w/ Caeden: 14 September, 2023

The Wire w/ Caeden: 14 September, 2023

The Wire w/ Caeden: 14 September, 2023 The Wire w/ Caeden: 14 September, 2023, 43.45 MB
Thursday, September 14, 2023

Caeden speaks to Health Minister Dr Ayesha Verrall and Greens MP Ricardo Menéndez March about both the Labour and Greens free dental policies, and how they compare to each other. 

News and Editorial Director Jessica Hopkins talks to Senior Lecturer in Māori education at the University of Waikato, Jennifer Smith (Ngāti Whātua, Ngāpuhi), about their kaupapa to make mātauranga Māori accessible to tamariki in Tuahiwi.

Beth speaks to City Counsellor for Manukau Lotu Fuli for City Counselling about Auckland Council’s consultation around Māori seats and the upcoming Midtown Street Party.

She also speaks to Chair of Bike Auckland Karen Hormann about their call to allocate a cycleway to the Harbour Bridge, referred to as Liberate the Lane.

Olivia speaks to Chief Executive of WWF New Zealand, Doctor Kayla Kingdon-Bebb, about the impact of climate change on our wildlife, and possible climate solutions.