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The Green Desk: Prescribing nature with Professor Xiaoqi Feng. April 5, 2023.

The Green Desk: Prescribing nature with Professor Xiaoqi Feng. April 5, 2023.

The Green Desk: Prescribing nature with Professor Xiaoqi Feng. April 5, 2023. , 8.52 MB
Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Professor Xiaoqi Feng from The University of New South Wales has been looking into over 90 studies into nature prescriptions and wants to see them brought to Australia and New Zealand. They’re already in use in Canada, the US and the Uk and thinks is about time we join in. The evidence indicates contact with prescribed nature is associated with good social, mental, and physical health.

Any listeners interested in participating in Feng's current studies for select Australian cities can click here and sign up and sign up. Researchers interested in connecting with Feng can click here.