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The Green Desk: Ministry for the Environments's 'Our Freshwater 2020' Report, 21 April, 2020

The Green Desk: Ministry for the Environment's 'Our Freshwater 2020' Report, 21 April, 2020

The Green Desk: Ministry for the Environments's 'Our Freshwater 2020' Report, 21 April, 2020 The Green Desk: Ministry for the Environments's 'Our Freshwater 2020' Report, 21 April, 2020, 10.26 MB
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Last week the Ministry for the Environment released “Our Freshwater 2020” a report highlighting the declining state of our rivers, lakes, streams and catchments. An update on the 2017 report, this release emphasizes the significance and urgency of the situation. It identifies four common threats to freshwater: habitat changes, pollution, water use and climate change.

Bronwyn picks out some highlights from the report, as well as reactions from Forest & Bird, Fish & Game, Choose Clean Water, Federated Farmers and Ministers Eugenie Sage, James Shaw and David Parker.