The Friday Wire w/ Casper: July 8, 2022
The Friday Wire w/ Casper: July 8, 2022
The Friday Wire w/ Casper: July 8, 2022On this Friday's Wire Casper talked to Auckland city councillor Shane Henderson about a recent local board vote on special character areas, as well as Dean Baigent-Mercer from Forest and Bird about recently allocated funding towards Predator free Rakiura Stewart Island.
Liam put together a report on Boris Johnson's resignation as leader of the Conservative Party in the UK, chatting about what’s been happening over the past few days, how we got to this point, and including some expert commentary from the University of Auckland's Stephen Hoadley.
Liam also had a chat for this week's Strangest Things segment with the Waitakere Ranges Local Board deputy chairperson Greg Presland about how chickens have continued to terrorise Titrangi.