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The Economic Viability of a Wealth Tax in Aotearoa w/ Craig Elliffe and the Green Party's Income Guarantee Plan w/ Marama Davidson: 24 August, 2023

The Economic Viability of a Wealth Tax in Aotearoa w/ Craig Elliffe & the Green Party's Income Guarantee Plan w/ Marama Davidson: 24 August, 2023

The Economic Viability of a Wealth Tax in Aotearoa w/ Craig Elliffe and the Green Party's Income Guarantee Plan w/ Marama Davidson: 24 August, 2023 The Economic Viability of a Wealth Tax in Aotearoa w/ Craig Elliffe and the Green Party's Income Guarantee Plan w/ Marama Davidson: 24 August, 2023, 38.39 MB
Thursday, August 24, 2023

In June, the Greens announced their Income Guarantee plan, which would be funded by a Wealth tax. Last month, Labour ruled out the possibility of a Wealth and Capital Gains tax should they be re-elected, but the polls seem to be telling a different story about what Aotearoa wants, with a recent One News poll reflecting 63% in favour of a Wealth tax.

Beth sat down with Professor of Tax Law at the University of Auckland Craig Elliffe to speak about the economic viability of a Wealth tax in Aotearoa and the national support expressed in recent polls. She also caught up with Co-leader of the Green Party Marama Davidson about the Greens' Income Guarantee plan and Labour's decision to rule out a Wealth tax.