Wax Chattels - Cede
Current Bias - Swoopee
99jakes - Flower Girl
Persimmon - Landscapes
The Velvet Underground - Who Loves the Sun
My Little Airport - You Don't Wanna Be My Girlfriend, Phoebe
Trembling Blue Stars - Abba On The Jukebox
GÅS - Epitaph
Nina Ryser - Dancing in the Street
Benjamin Ball - I Just Keep Dancing
Kenny Sterling - Scrambled Messages
BUMPER - Red Brick
Machine Girl - Cyan Hardcore
NO-CLIP - Plushie
Dominique A - L'echo
Cootie Cuties - Freebleeder
Butthole Surfers - Pepper
Good Sad Happy Bad - Shades
Hydroplane - Wurlitzer Jukebox
Phoebe Rings - Cheshire
Saturday Looks Good To Me - Meet Me By The Water
Midnight Riders Meets Naram Rhythm Section - She's Gone Away
Francis Bebey - Savanah Georgia
Coffin Club - Gaslight