Richard M & Robert B Sherman - Sword in the Stone (part 2)
Kath Bee & Suzy Cato - Sprinkle A Little Sunshine
Rebecca Larsen - Hoe, Hoe, Hoea te Waka
Raymond McGrath - Did you hear a monster?
Moe & Friends - Do the Moe-Bot
Robert Dann - Flick, The Fire Engine
Chanelle & Friends - Kiwi
Mike Phirman - Cat Cat Frog Frog
Anika Moa - The Adventures of Barry and Taane 2!
David Hollis - Oh Katipo Katipo
Petite Music Box - Caravan Master
The Front Lawn - I’m So Cool
Dan & Dani - Do The Dinosaur Stomp!
Itty Bitty Beats - The Space Pirate
Alan Gregg - Grandma Says Oo-hoo!
fleaBITE - Chihuahua Song
Craig Smith - Scariest Thing In The Garden
Captain Festus McBoyle - Scary pirates
Bobby and the Bonsters - 5 Coconuts
The Muppets - Cottleston Pie
Poppet Stars - Bugs
Mr Roberelli - Does the Bus Stop Here
Charles Penrose - The Laughing Policeman
Roger Miller - Whistle stop
Little City Critters - Monstomping!
Rainbow Rosalind - Spinning 'Round
Little Ripples - Tree song
Mr Roberelli - L-I-B-R-a-R-Y
Our Dinosaur Friends - Brachiosaurus
Moe & Friends - What Did You Learn About Today?
Pink Siifu & Shungu - Cement