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Sustainable Cities w/ Crystal Olin: April 8th, 2022

Sustainable Cities w/ Crystal Olin: April 8th, 2022

Sustainable Cities w/ Crystal Olin: April 8th, 2022 Sustainable Cities w/ Crystal Olin: April 8th, 2022, 20.6 MB
Friday, April 8, 2022

This week saw  the release of another major IPCC Climate Report, stating that without immediate action we will reach a one point five degree rise in climate and beyond by 20300.

Several new contributors to climate change were highlighted, including the cumulative impact of big cities and towns on the climate.

Efforts to turn our cities more green have been taking place across Aotearoa for several months, so Liam Hansen spoke to Crystal Olin from Sustainable cities Aotearoa about what’s being done and what needs to come next.