Amarat in C - Blend Mishkin + Soul Sugar (Blend Mishkin bandcamp)
DJ Sotofett Ona Dhug-Dropp Mix - DJ Sotofett + Mark Rogers (DJ Sotofett bandcamp)
Got Life (A Miracle’s Dub Reprise) - Dubmones + Oku Onuora (Echo Beach)
60 Chemical (Dub) - Frank Liin (Rhythm Section International bandcamp)
What Goes Dub - Mafia & Fluxy meet Manasseh (Lion's Den bandcamp)
Deviation - Ohkuma (newdubhall bandcamp)
Canterurias - Tribilin Sound & Juan Medrano Cotito (Respect bandcamp)
Cumbia Parasitismo - Pinchado & Tribilin Sound (Pinchado bandcamp)
Lost & Found (Manuka Honey Remix) - Modulaw (Modulaw bandcamp)
Fault Lines - Modulaw (Modulaw bandcamp)
Kefi (Low Jack Remix) - Paradise Circus (das SPEZIAL bandcamp)
DJ Sotofett's Slow Jungle Trippin' - DJ Sotofett (DJ Sotofett bandcamp)
Wasp - SANSOUNI (United Identities)
Swanky - TSVI + DJ Plead (AD 93 bandcamp)
Breath Work - TSVI + DJ Plead (AD 93 bandcamp)
Holografix - Second Storey (No Static/Automatic bandcamp)
01100111 01100101 01110100 00100000 01101001 01101110 - Felix Leifur (BROT bandcamp)
FIRELIGHT - Air Max '97 (Air Max '97 bandcamp)
Pick a Headline - Leif + Duckett (Leif bandcamp)
Frekm, Pt. 2 - Djrum (Houndstooth bandcamp)
cançó per València (dos) - Oma Totem (Lapsus bandcamp)
HUM - Air Max '97 (Air Max '97 bandcamp)
Cowboy ALLSTAR - Vegyn (PLZ Make It Ruins bandcamp)
Asc. Scoprio (AT/OL Acid Tribal Edit) Oracle Sisters AT/OL (aka A-Tweed x Oltrefuturo) (A-Tweed bandcamp)
ONE (Kelpe Remix) - Noema (The Magic Movement bandcamp)
Loch Ohne Licht - Schlammpeitziger (Unvernunft)
Grassy Knoll (Schuttle remix) - Tapir! (Heavenly Recordings)
Untitled B2 - Goosy (Gam bandcamp)
Moonlight Dub - Leif (Leif bandcamp)
Stockwell - BZDB (AD 93 bandcamp)
August, Pt. 2 - Leif + Tom Ellis (Leif bandcamp)
Psycho - Strange Flesh (Strange Flesh bandcamp)
Voiceof Odin - St Mercury + Freya Pinkerton (Saint Mercury)
cold feet and hot air balloons - Yara Asmar (Hive Mind bandcamp)
Mono No Aware - Mark Barrott (International Feel bandcamp)
Old Alarm - MANS O (Lapsus bandcamp)
Wikipedia. - Tony Morris (Tony Morris bandcamp)
Who - Roger Robinson (Jahtari bandcamp)
(G#)Thanks and Praises - B.G. and Fibre (Africa Seven bandcamp)