Retail Stores Reopening w/ Monica, Aimee Egdell and Matt Lark: November 10, 2021
Retail Stores Reopening w/ Monica, Aimee Egdell and Matt Lark: November 10, 2021
Retail Stores Reopening w/ Monica, Aimee Egdell and Matt Lark: November 10, 2021Now that Tāmaki Makaurau has moved to Step 2 of Alert Level 3, retail stores are reopening. People can finally walk into a store after months of not being able to.
With this, however, retail owners, managers and employees have to adapt to new ways of operating. There are aspects such as scanning in, having a restriction on the amount of people who can come into the store, at a time, and wanting people to wear a mask. There is a lot to think about, and a lot to organise for this next step
Zazi spoke with a Retail Manager, Monica, the owner of Tatty’s, Amee Egdell, and the owner of Smoove, Matt Lark, to hear how they feel about reopening their retail doors today. They talk about their excitement and concerns, what their first morning reopening has been like, as well as how they wish for people, walking in, to respect their store Covid safety regulations.