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Reimagining Tāmaki Makaurau w/ Dr. Anne Bardsley: March 24, 2022.

Reimagining Tāmaki Makaurau w/ Dr. Anne Bardsley: March 24, 2022.

Reimagining Tāmaki Makaurau w/ Dr. Anne Bardsley: March 24, 2022. , 13.42 MB
Thursday, March 24, 2022

Koi Tū: The Centre for Informed Futures released its report yesterday, titled "Reimagining Tāmaki Makaurau", which intends to provoke discussion about the potential for Auckland by the year 2070 and explains why Auckland's structures for governance, management, planning, and funding need to be rethought.

Emilia Sullivan spoke to Dr. Anne Bardsley, Deputy Director of Koi Tū: The Centre for Informed Futures and co-author of the report.