Pushing Parallels w/ Abbie La Rooy, Kiki Hall, and Michael Prosee: 29th November, 2024
Pushing Parallels w/ Abbie La Rooy, Kiki Hall, and Michael Prosee: 29th November, 2024

Pushing Parallels is a new group exhibition on at the Arts House Trust, Pah Homestead. Showcasing a diverse range of multidisciplinary artists from across Aotearoa, the exhibition features works from The Arts House Trust collection alongside invited artists who, although formally trained in one discipline, have ventured into new artistic territories.
Pushing Parallels encourages the artists to experiment, pushing the limits of their mediums to create a playground of colour and form to re-learn and question traditional art practices. Each room within the exhibition serves as a chapter, distinctively coloured and themed, yet interconnected through relationships between material, process, and scale.
Sofia spoke to the co-curators of Pushing Parallels, Abbie La Rooy, Kiki Hall, and Michael Prosee about the exhibition and the curation process.