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Rob Thorne & Delaney Davidson - Ake Ake (Mauri Ora)

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Odd Numbers with sumthn ethnic 002

Odd Numbers with sumthn ethnic 002

Odd Numbers with sumthn ethnic 002 Odd Numbers with sumthn ethnic 002, 220.33 MB
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Admist a world-wide plague some Dickhead with a Radio Show & a DDJ-RB decides to smash out a couple DnB mixes with some funky tunes as well. "BuT OlLiE yOu HaTe DrUm N bAsS" Yeah, well, too bad karen. While this is true and usually I think most COMMERCIAL DnB is over-played garbage, this mix is an exception because it's got a bit more focus on breaks, I doubt you'd hear any of these on old GeorgeFM ;) Have a Listen!