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New Zealand’s Ambiguous Stance on Gaza w/ University of Otago Prof. Robert G. Patman: 18 September, 2024

New Zealand’s Ambiguous Stance on Gaza w/ University of Otago Prof. Robert G. Patman: 18 September, 2024

New Zealand’s Ambiguous Stance on Gaza w/ University of Otago Prof. Robert G. Patman: 18 September, 2024 Patman: 18 September, 2024, 26.92 MB
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

New Zealand’s stance on Israel’s war on Gaza, for many foreign policy experts has been anything but clear. Foreign minister Winston Peters has called for a humanitarian ceasefiirie in the UN General Assembly but has been reluctant to recognise a Palestinian state.

However, the government has had no qualms about deploying Naval personnel to the Red Sea to assist the United States in combatting the Houthis, whose illegal attacks on shipping vessels have been carried out in opposition to Israel’s bombardment of the Gaza strip. 

Oto spoke to Professor Robert G. Patman from the University of Otago to discuss New Zealand’s ambiguous stance on the war in Gaza, and the steps we should take to clarify our position.