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The Walkmen - The Rat

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Net zero vs real zero climate targets w/ climate scientist and honorary academic at the University of Auckland, Kevin Trenberth: 4 November 2024

Net zero vs real zero climate targets w/ climate scientist and honorary academic at the University of Auckland, Kevin Trenberth: 4 November 2024

Net zero vs real zero climate targets w/ climate scientist and honorary academic at the University of Auckland, Kevin Trenberth: 4 November 2024 Net zero vs real zero climate targets w/ climate scientist and honorary academic at the University of Auckland, Kevin Trenberth: 4 November 2024, 22.8 MB
Monday, November 4, 2024

Around the world countries are tackling climate change with net zero targets. This involves offsetting carbon emissions through other initiatives such as planting trees or using technology that pulls carbon dioxide out of the air. 

Despite the drive to meet these targets, carbon in the atmosphere is continuing to rise, and even with the current efforts to offset them, they aren’t predicted to drop. 

Climate scientist and honorary academic at the University of Auckland, Kevin Trenberth says that world leaders should scrap these net zero targets and instead focus on ‘real zero’, eliminating fossil fuels entirely. 

Producer Evie spoke to Trenberth about what the ‘real zero’ initiative involves, how it differs from net zero, and how realistic it is for it to be adopted both in Aotearoa and globally.