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Neighbourhood Watch with Sam Smith: 'Privacy Versus Security': 14th of December, 2018

Neighbourhood Watch with Sam Smith: 'Privacy Versus Security': 14th of December, 2018

Neighbourhood Watch with Sam Smith: 'Privacy Versus Security': 14th of December, 2018 Neighbourhood Watch with Sam Smith: 'Privacy Versus Security': 14th of December, 2018 , 7.13 MB
Friday, December 14, 2018

In Neighbourhood Watch, Radio Adelaide's Sam Smith joins us to discuss the decission to place an Australian space agency in Adelaide and what this will mean for the community. She then tells us about new laws on encrypted messaging in Australia that will allow police to apply for a warrant over suspicious activity to gain access to people's messages. It raises the age old question around the security of the state and the privacy of the individual.