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Minimum Wage and Benefits Increase and an Alternative Waitematā Harbour Crossing w/ ACT’s Karen Chhour: 03 April, 2023

Minimum Wage and Benefits Increase and an Alternative Waitematā Harbour Crossing w/ ACT’s Karen Chhour: 03 April, 2023

Minimum Wage and Benefits Increase and an Alternative Waitematā Harbour Crossing w/ ACT’s Karen Chhour: 03 April, 2023 Minimum Wage and Benefits Increase and an Alternative Waitematā Harbour Crossing w/ ACT’s Karen Chhour: 03 April, 2023, 11.15 MB
Tuesday, April 4, 2023

For their weekly catch-up, News and Editorial Director Jessica Hopkins spoke to ACT’s Karen Chhour about the minimum wage and benefits increase and an alternative Waitematā Harbour crossing.

She started off the interview by asking Chhour why ACT opposes these measures to help low income earners with the rising cost of living.