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Maori Health Inequity w/ Rhys Jones: October 26, 2022

Maori Health Inequity w/ Rhys Jones: October 26, 2022

Maori Health Inequity w/ Rhys Jones: October 26, 2022 Maori Health Inequity w/ Rhys Jones: October 26, 2022, 21.38 MB
Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Māori health inequity directly costs the health system $39.9 million per year, according to a new Indigenous-led study. When researchers added indirect costs of $823.4 million from lost years of life and lost wages, which were mostly borne directly by Māori whānau, the overall cost skyrocketed to over $863.3 million.

Māori significantly under-utilised primary care, creating an annual saving to the health system of $49.4 million per year. The authors point out that these are conservative estimates, and say that the 'cost of doing nothing' about health inequity is predominantly borne by Indigenous communities and society - less than 5% of the cost is borne by the health system.

Joe spoke to Rhys Jones, Associate Professor in Te Kupenga Hauora Maori, from the University of Auckland on the matter.