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'Labour are hypocritical on the TPP'- It's Our Future

'Labour are hypocritical on the TPP'- It's Our Future

'Labour are hypocritical on the TPP'- It's Our Future 'Labour are hypocritical on the TPP'- It's Our Future, 17.58 MB
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

It was touch and go for the TPP over the weekend but the trade agreement survived talks with world leaders at the APEC summit in Vietnam over the weekend.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said she’s pleased with the progress the government has made on the deal and claims it is now very different from the original TPP 12.

But its new name, the Comprehensive, Progressive Trans-pacific Partnership or CPTPP, hasn’t won over oppositionists including the Council of Trade Unions and even the Green Party.

Reuben McLaren spoke to It’s Our Future Coordinator, Stephen Parry, about the current version of the trade agreement.