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Impacts of cancer drug funding on breast cancer patients w/ chief executive of the Breast Cancer foundation Ah-Leen Rayner: 25th June 2024.

Impacts of cancer drug funding on breast cancer patients w/ chief executive of the Breast Cancer foundation Ah-Leen Rayner: 25th June 2024.

Impacts of cancer drug funding on breast cancer patients w/ chief executive of the Breast Cancer foundation Ah-Leen Rayner: 25th June 2024. , 6.17 MB
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The government announced cancer drug funding on Monday, which was met with support from the Breast Cancer foundation, who say the funding will significantly benefit those currently struggling with cancer. 

The announcement was met with some criticism, as it was a campaign promise for the National party last year, but was absent in last month’s budget. This led to some uncertainty around how the funding would be provided if at all. 

Wire host Castor spoke to chief executive of the Breast Cancer Foundation, Ah-Leen Rayner about the funding, how it will benefit patients, and potential improvements for the future.