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HRC's School Uniform Guidelines w/ Meng Foon: May 27, 2022

HRC's School Uniform Guidelines w/ Meng Foon: May 27, 2022

HRC's School Uniform Guidelines w/ Meng Foon: May 27, 2022 HRC's School Uniform Guidelines w/ Meng Foon: May 27, 2022, 18.08 MB
Friday, May 27, 2022

The Human Rights Comission released a new set of guidelines for school uniforms and how they can be more culturally inclusive, as well as adhere to Te Tiriti.

The rights-based guidelines include specific recognition of Taonga Māori symbols such as tā moko and pounamu. 

Casper spoke with Meng Foon, the Race Relations Comissioner, about the guidelines, what’s in them and what kinds of impacts they might have on schools that choose to adopt them. Casper first asked what the new guidelines entail and what their purpose is.