How New Technologies will Help New Zealanders Live with Covid-19: October 12, 2021
How New Technologies will Help New Zealanders Live with Covid-19: October 12, 2021
How New Technologies will Help New Zealanders Live with Covid-19: October 12, 2021Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, the government on the advice of health officials has been making decisions about new technologies such as the contact tracing app and now vaccine certificates. These technologies are designed to help New Zealand deal with the Covid-19 outbreaks within our community. News and Editorial Director Jemima Huston wanted to speak to an expert about how these technologies will work to help New Zealanders to live safely with the virus in the community from now and into the future.
Jemima interviews Dr Andrew Chen, a Research Fellow for Koi Tū – the Centre for Informed Futures at the University of Auckland, about how the vaccine certificate and the contact tracing app work to keep people safe and why these technologies are important in a Covid suppression strategy.