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How Essure Contraception Failed Women: August 21 2018

How Essure Contraception Failed Women: August 21 2018

How Essure Contraception Failed Women: August 21 2018 How Essure Contraception Failed Women: August 21 2018, 10.52 MB
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Essure, a contraceptive device designed in the early 2000s, has caused irreversible damage for thousands of women in more recent years. The metal coil is inserted into fallopian tubes, a distinctly more invasive technique than an iud or rod. As we will soon see, the contraceptive poses very high risks. Mary-Margaret spoke to Sue Claridge of the Auckland Women’s Health Council about kiwi and Australian women whose lives have been hurt by the lack of information available about the devices. She started by explaining what the Essure device is.