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Green Party Catch Up w/ Ricardo Menendez March: 15th of November 2023

Green Party Catch Up w/ Ricardo Menendez March: 15th of November 2023

Green Party Catch Up w/ Ricardo Menendez March: 15th of November 2023 Green Party Catch Up w/ Ricardo Menendez March: 15th of November 2023, 19.65 MB
Wednesday, November 15, 2023

For our weekly catch up with the Green Party Rawan spoke with Green MP Ricardo Menendez March. 

They spoke about the Greens record election results and what this will mean moving forward.

They also spoke about the Waiheke ferry services and the party’s campaign for subsidised transport especially with the new ferry service Island direct launching this week.

Rawan then asked about the Green Party’s support of Palestine and their involvement with recent Pro-Palestine marches.