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Fukumodo's Crate: Wednesday July 20, 2022

Fukumodo's Crate: Wednesday July 20, 2022

Fukumodo's Crate: Wednesday July 20, 2022 Fukumodo's Crate: Wednesday July 20, 2022, 225.12 MB
Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Episode 11: The Archive Sneak Peak Affair

Fukumodo has started to dive into the bFM Archives and previews two cassette tapes: One an ad for marketers to get their ads on 95bFM and the other a redacted case of phone sex on live radio.

Nan also calls in with her Top 5 Dunkable Biscuits, we're back to Glastonbury listening to Saint Etienne's set from a couple weeks ago, and Outsider Music showcases Mallory from somewhere in Massachusetts.