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Food for Thought: The Future of Food w/ Dr Rosie Bosworth: June 22, 2021

Food for Thought: The Future of Food w/ Dr Rosie Bosworth: June 22, 2021

Food for Thought: The Future of Food w/ Dr Rosie Bosworth: June 22, 2021 Food for Thought: The Future of Food w/ Dr Rosie Bosworth: June 22, 2021, 21.72 MB
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

What the "facon" is up with sustainable eating? This week on Tomorrow's World, Isla and Stella talk to Dr Rosie Bosworth, a disruptive technology expert about the future of food technologies, ranging from lab-grown meat (cellular agriculture) to how soy roots are used to simulate the sensory experience of animal products.