Fast track approvals projects unveiled w/ Forest and Bird's Richard Capie: 7 October, 2024
Fast track approvals projects unveiled w/ Forest and Bird's Richard Capie: 7 October, 2024

A total of 149 projects have been selected for fast tracking through the government's new Fast-track Approvals Bill.
There’s a variety of projects on the list, in sectors including farming, infrastructure, energy, and mining.
The fast track approvals bill went through public consultation without a public release of the list of projects.
This meant the public didn’t have specific details when submitting on the bill.
Now the 149 projects on the list have been revealed, a number of environmental concerns have arisen over projects that were successfully opposed in the past.
Forest and Birds Richard Capie calls this an assault on Aotearoa’s democracy.
Producer Evie spoke to Capie about the list of projects and Forest and Birds concerns around them.