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Dirtbag Radio 20 April 2020.mp3

Dirtbag Radio 20 April 2020

Dirtbag Radio 20 April 2020.mp3 mp3, 211.22 MB
Monday, April 20, 2020

This week Rapley takes a break from usual guest selector iso programming to play some long songs


Hawkwind - Brainstorm
Blue Bloods - Versace
Gong Gong Gong 工工工 - Siren
Motorhead - I Got Mine
Iggy & The Stooges - Rich Bitch
Endless Boogie - The Montgomery Manuscript
Jeff Bridges - Ikea
GG Allin - Bite It You Scum
Dead Moon - The Animal
The Chrome Cranks - Dead Cool
The Dobermen - Rivercity Rumble
Black Sabbath - The Writ
Cash Guitar & The High Fives - Length Of Rope
Radio Birdman - Man With Golden Helmet
Andre Williams - Everybody Knew
Sunn 0))) - Candlegoat