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Course Deletions at UOA w/t Bruce Cohen and Robert Greenberg: August 17th, 2017

Course Deletions at UOA w/t Bruce Cohen and Robert Greenberg: August 17th, 2017

Course Deletions at UOA w/t Bruce Cohen and Robert Greenberg: August 17th, 2017 Course Deletions at UOA w/t Bruce Cohen and Robert Greenberg: August 17th, 2017, 4.27 MB
Friday, August 17, 2018

Courses in the Universities School of Social Sciences have been revealed, with 250 courses from within the school approximated by a Senior lecturer within the faculty of arts. Laura Kvigstad, investigates on the claim speaking with both Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Robert Greenberg and Sociology Lecturer, Bruce Cohen on the changes. She gets both the perspective from management and the staff on the changes, hearing why it is happening but also what the potential ramifications are for the deletions.