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Calls for a Ceasefire in Gaza and Māori Representation in Local Government w/ Green Party Co-Leader, James Shaw: 1 November, 2023

Calls for a Ceasefire in Gaza and Māori Representation in Local Government w/ Green Party Co-Leader, James Shaw: 1 November, 2023

Calls for a Ceasefire in Gaza and Māori Representation in Local Government w/ Green Party Co-Leader, James Shaw: 1 November, 2023 Calls for a Ceasefire in Gaza and Māori Representation in Local Government w/ Green Party Co-Leader, James Shaw: 1 November, 2023, 21.09 MB
Wednesday, November 1, 2023

For their regular catch-up, News and Editorial Director, Jessica Hopkins, spoke to Green Party Co-Leader, James Shaw, about whether Aotearoa should be calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and the Auckland Council voting against having indigenous representation in the form of Māori seats, while just under half of New Zealand’s 78 councils voted to have the indigenous representation.