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Banaban human rights w/ Katja Phutaraksa Neef, Erin and Jack: March 1, 2023

Banaban human rights w/ Katja Phutaraksa Neef, Erin and Jack: March 1, 2023

Banaban human rights w/ Katja Phutaraksa Neef, Erin and Jack: March 1, 2023 Banaban human rights w/ Katja Phutaraksa Neef, Erin and Jack: March 1, 2023, 9.94 MB
Wednesday, March 1, 2023

In the mid-20th century, hundreds of Banabans were displaced from Banaba Island to Fiji’s Rabi Island due to the devastating impacts of phosphate mining. Today, Banabans on Rabi continue to face discrimination as a partially self-governing entity falling between the cracks of Fiji and Kiribati. Their stories remain largely unheard in Aotearoa New Zealand, where the benefits of mining allowed the British to advance their colonisation and kickstart New Zealand’s agricultural sector.

95bFM digital subeditor Stella Huggins speaks to Katja Phutaraksa Neef, Erin and Banaban delegate Jack, about the forced displacement of the Banaban community and their ongoing human rights struggles, as well as their new art exhibition titled "Justice for Rabi: The Story of Banaba".