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AUKUS w/ John Richards and Arama Rata: 3 May, 2023

AUKUS w/ John Richards and Arama Rata: 3 May, 2023

AUKUS w/ John Richards and Arama Rata: 3 May, 2023 AUKUS w/ John Richards and Arama Rata: 3 May, 2023, 24.89 MB
Wednesday, May 3, 2023

AUKUS has continued to be a contentious topic within Aotearoa’s political discourse. Last week, Nanaia Mahuta said on Newshub Nation that there isn’t enough visibility on the pillars of AUKUS to comprehend what impacts it would have for Aotearoa. Last Friday there was an anti-AUKUS demonstration outside parliament. Led by the anti-AUKUS coalition, the ‘don’t be a dAUKUS’ protest urged Chris Hipkins to declare that Aotearoa won’t join the agreement.

To learn more about the anti-AUKUS coalition and the meaning behind the protest, Andre spoke to John Richards, spokesperson and member of the anti-AUKUS coalition. 

To receive comments and analysis firstly on John Richards’s comments about AUKUS, and about Nanaia Mahuta’s denial of Aoteroa joining AUKUS, Andre then spoke to Doctor Arama Rata from Te Kuaka, a group that advocates for progressive foreign policy.