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95bFM Breakfast with Tom Sainsbury: July 11, 2018

95bFM Breakfast with Tom Sainsbury: July 11, 2018

95bFM Breakfast with Tom Sainsbury: July 11, 2018 95bFM Breakfast with Tom Sainsbury: July 11, 2018, 323.75 MB
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Today on your bFM Breakfast: Is that.. Tom Sainsbury?! Why, yes folks, it is. Mikey's away and Tom is here, with jokes aplenty and ready to fill his social calender; talking languages and soup with Rob Bollix, because those two subjects are related, obviously; Maria's here to give us her thoughts on Faces Places and Tom's got the hard questions, favourite movies Maria?; Shamubeel's got everything you need to know about kiwibuild; and here we are again, talking about more films.