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95bFM Breakfast with Tess: July 18, 2018

95bFM Breakfast with Tess: July 18, 2018

95bFM Breakfast with Tess: July 18, 2018 95bFM Breakfast with Tess: July 18, 2018, 319.72 MB
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Today on your bFM Breakfast: Lucky for you listeners, it's the Tess show again; Rob's teaching us about cockroach milk and treasure hunting, related? Not really; Clayton comes in to chat, there may be no baking but he's never short of profound film reviews; We're getting to the bottom of what's happening post nurses strike with Labour MP Grant Robertson; And Craig from Simplicity is here to help you with all your financial woes; all this AND a special announcement. Good times.