Nicholas Lindstrom interviews volunteer Lewis Johnson about his role in the aftermath of cyclone Gabrielle and the work he did for the 'Tutira Mai' Relief Concert hosted at Pipitea Marae.
A protest against an anti co-governance speech in Ōrewa has gained national attention over the weekend.
Julian Batchelor has been on tour across the country, sparking frequent protests over his anti-co governance rhetoric and spread of what critics say is harmful misinformation.
Caeden Tipler spoke to Samah Huriwai-Seger, an activist with the Aotearoa Liberation League about the lead-up to and her impression of the protest.
Caeden also spoke to Jake Law, a Hibiscus and Bays Local Board member, who was present at the rally in Ōrewa on Saturday.
For their weekly catch up, Hanna spoke to Takutai Kemp, Te Pāti Māori's candidate for Tāmaki Makaurau, about climate adaptation. They discussed the ongoing impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle, Te Pāti Māori's proposals for a Māori adaptation fund and collaboration between the Crown and whānau, hapū and iwi, and insights to be gleamed from tikanga when designing policy.
News & Editorial Director Jessica Hopkins speaks to ACT’s Karen Chhour about the government banning TikTok from all parliamentary devices and reprioritising spending to refocus on the cost of living and Cyclone Gabrielle recovery.
Hanna Thompson talks to Te Pāti Māori’s Takutai Kemp about the ongoing impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle and centring indigenous voices in the climate crisis debate.
Caeden Tipler speaks to Samah Huriwai-Seger from the Aotearoa Liberation League and Hibiscus and Bays Local Board member Jake Law about an anti-co-governance roadshow in Ōrewa.
Nicholas Lindstrom chats to “Tutira Mai” Cyclone Relief Concert volunteer Lewis Johnson about the event.
And Alex Bonham interviews urban advocate and former Christchurch councillor Mike Davidson about how we can make our cities safer for tamariki
Today, 50,000 ECC, primary and secondary school teachers go on strike across the motu to push for better working conditions. Spike speaks to Dr. Paul Heyward, Associate Dean of Teaching at Auckland University, about the strike, and current working conditions for teachers.
Labour has announced a special Lotto draw this Saturday as part of a cyclone relief fundraising effort, but advocates for gambling harm reduction are asking whether the benefits outweigh the harm of gambling. Spike speaks to Pesio Ah-Honi, CEO of Pasifika gambling support organisation Mapu Maia, about the upcoming draw, and the harms of gambling on communities.
This week is neurodiversity celebration week in Aotearoa. Professor Karen Waldie is a Professor in the School of Psychology and with the Centre for Brain Research at the University of Auckland. Simon started by asking Professor Waldie what neurodiversity celebration week is and why it is important.
Research Fellow at Otago University Marnie Prickett recently co-wrote a report for the Public Health Communication Centre titled 'When The First Barrier Falls: Strengthening Protection for Drinking Water Sources'. Simon spoke with Marnie about protecting drinking water sources in Aotearoa as well issues with the water supply. She began by discussing the 2016 Havelock North contamination.