For our weekly catch-up with the Labour Party Wire host Caeden speaks to Labour’s Carmel Sepuloni about Labour MP’s Greg O’Connor’s comments on benefit sanctions and the funding cuts at Whaikaha, the ministry for disabled communities.
For States of the States, our segment focusing on the US election, they speak to Andre Fa’aoso from the Yale Daily News about the Democractic National Convention, including former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s panel, and Trump sharing AI generated images of Taylor Swift endorsing him on his social media.
And they speak to Layba Zubair about the upcoming candlelit vigil Thursdays in Black at the University is hosting to honour Dr Moumita Debnath, who was murdered earlier this month.
For City Counselling, our weekly catch up with Auckland Council, this week, Sofia speaks to Councillor Shane Henderson about Auckland Council's Provisional Local Alcohol Policy and crime rates in central Auckland.