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The 95bFM Kids' Show: 12 January 2025

Rhys Darby joins us all the way from Los Angeles for a chat about the new adaption of Bad Jelly The Witch, the exercise segment makes a grand return, the What Am I Game gets crazy, and we chat New Years plans.

Thanks to the wonderful NZ Maritime Museum - Hui te Ananui a Tangaroa - for sponsoring the show!

Spike Milligan - Bad Jelly The Witch
Eddie Spaghetti - Wake Up, Wake Up
Mike Phirman - Cat Cat Frog Frog
Levity Beet - Watermelon
fleaBITE - The Skellingtons of Wellington
Kero Kero Bonito - Flamingo
Kath Bee - Individuality (live at bFM)
Caspar Babypants - Shoo Fly
Rebecca Larsen - Hoe, Hoe, Hoea te Waka
Moe & Friends - Do the Moe-Bot
The Front Lawn - I’m So Cool
fleaBITE - What Does Music Smell Like
Little Ripples - Rhythm of the house
Hey DUBY - Roar Like a Lion
Em and Me - Im the Moa
Chris Sanders and Natalie Conaty - Mittens Official Song
Gerry Paul - We All Got Bones
Belle & Sebastian - The Monkeys Are Breaking Out The Zoo
Jonny Drucker - Trampoline On The Moon
Lauren Child - I Completely Know About Guinea Pigs
Kath Bee and Suzy Cato - I Can Do It
Erny Belle - Tutira Mai
Eardrops - Hōiho - Horse (feat. Naomi Toilalo & Whatanui Flavell)