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Marlin's Dreaming - Earnestly feat. Erny Belle

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The 95bFM Kids' Show: Sunday 1 December 2024

Finn's show! Rainbow Rosalind, everyone's favourite fairy, flies in for a chat, the What Am I Game gets nuts, and we get into the festive spirit. 

Thanks to the wonderful NZ Maritime Museum - Hui te Ananui a Tangaroa - for sponsoring the show!

Roald Dahl - kThe Giraffe and The Pelly and Me, read by Hugh Laurie
Joanna Lumley - Eleven Wild Swans
fleaBITE - Here Comes The Rain
Claudia Robin Gunn - Inky The Octopus
Mega Ran - That's a Bully!
Lauren Child - I Completely Know About Guinea Pigs
fleaBITE - The Skellingtons of Wellington
Levity Beet - What if the world went backwards mum? (WITWWBM)
Rainbow Rosalind - Spinning 'Round
Mike Phirman - In Your Biz
fleaBITE - Don't Sit Under the Poo Tree
Charles Penrose - The Laughing Policeman
Kath Bee - Imagine
The Nukes - Elephants On The Moon
Moe & Friends - Another Year of You
Captain Festus McBoyle - Dance Like a Sea Anemone
Tanya Batt - The Giant's Heart
Eardrops - Matawā - Clock (feat. Naomi Toilalo & Matu Ngaropo)