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The 95bFM Kids' Show - 21 May 2017

Thanks to Capt. Festus McBoyle for phoning up and saying "hi"! Check out his show at the Te Atatu Peninsula Library on the 27 May at 2pm.

Lynley Dodd - Hairy Maclary
Margaret Mahy - The Witch and the Cherry Tree
Raymond McGrath - Did you hear a monster?
Una Stubbs - Cath's Cradle
Eddie Spaghetti - Wake Up, Wake Up
Itty Bitty Beats - Ellie The Elephant
Bobby & The Boysters - Build A House
Phil Harris - The Thing
Petite Music Box - Caravan Master
Dan & Dani - Do The Dinosaur Stomp!
Mr Roberelli - Handball
Tom Baker - William Tell
The Moe Show - Don't Forget to Remember
Rebecca Larsen - Hoe, Hoe, Hoea Te Waka
fleaBITE - Don't Sit Under the Poo Tree
Alan Gregg - Elevator Up, Elevator Down
Bun & Beard - Pukekos in the Park
kath bee - There are Fairies
Mighty Maui
The Nukes - Peas & Carrots
DEVO - Whip It