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John Glacier - Ocean Steppin' (feat. Sampha)

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The 95bFM Kids' Show: Sunday March 12, 2023

Marshall Cavendish - The Lord of the Rushie River (Part 1)
Marshall Cavendish - The Lord of the Rushie River (Part 2)
fleaBITE - What Does Music Smell Like
Moe & Friends - Harmony
Lauren Child - Snow is my Favourite and my Best
Kath Bee - Follow Your Heart feat. Sin Kerr
Claudia Gunn - One More Story
Mike Phirman - Cat Cat Frog Frog
Levity Beet - Rock n' Roll Zombie
Thee Golden Goslings - Minecraft - Green Day Version 30.04
Suzy Cato - Were Going on a Holiday
Mr Roberelli - L-I-B-R-a-R-Y
Julie Wylie & Grant Wylie - Pirates Like Sailing on the Deep Blue Sea
Levity Beet - Watermelon
John Williamson - Old Man Emu
Pyrates! - Chicken On a Raft
The Front Lawn - Farty The Dinosaur
Kero Kero Bonito - Flamingo
Charles Penrose - The Laughing Policeman
Chris Sanders - Monkey Bar Swinger
Rastamouse & Da Easy Crew - Life Is Sweet
Tanya Batt - Little Mouse Our Faithful Friend
Anika Moa - Tahi, Rua, Toru, Wha
The Autographs - Do The Duck