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The Gordons - Right On Time

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Freak the Sheep, 5 January 2022 w/ Witchy

Merk - H.N.Y.B.
BUB - Jeez Louise
Scribe - Not Many
Hemi Hemingway - The Lonely Hunter
Erny Belle - Hell Hole
No Girl - Macaulay
Witchy - Salt Shoulder
Mr Amish - On Their Way to Make Their Way
Human Resource - PCBU
How Get - Te Tai Pari
Jean-Paul Satre Experience - Flex
Dimmer - Smoke
Bad Taste; Alphabethead; Young Gho$t - Wheel Of Pain
Liam K. Swiggs - RENT
The Pleasure Majenta - Everything Turns To Gold
Shoddy - Pharmakon Love
Coffin Club - Mountains
Timberjack Donoghue - Come to the Sabbat
Patea Maori Club - Aku Raukure - Disco Mix
The Chills - Pink Frost
Doublehappys - Needles And Plastic