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The Swap Meet 19 September 2021

Kia ora koutou!

Kia ora rā tatou, i tenei ahiahi i runga i te Wāhi Tauhokohoko, tō kāinga matua mō ngā waiata wairua, ngahau, boogie, me te puoro R & B. Nau mai!

This week we have a very special edition of The Swap Meet on 95bFM for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori. 

Hour 1 your host is the Swap Meet’s Kirk James, who delivers his signature mix of the latest Te Reo soul heaters, just the cream: all essential, no repeats!

Hour 2 The Ngaruawahia-based DJ and B-Boy Dujon Cullingford is a one-man hype machine, whether it’s breaking, promoting shows, or collecting the obscurest Soulful music committed to tape in Aotearoa, this self-proclaimed “entreprenerd” brings a whole new level of love and passion to the proceedings. He has an hour mix of freshly unearthed Māori Soul, Funk & Disco from 60s-80s in reo Māori and English to stump the deepest diggers. 

Hour 3 Music Matua Gene Rivers will be known by many for his long association with promotion of arts and culture in Tāmaki Makaurau, as well as essential shows on George and BaseFM where he has always championed the best in soulful beats. Today he delivers a Maori Hi-Fi takeover mix with new and exclusive tunes that are hotter than hangi stones.

We are very lucky to have these amazing guests to share these precious gems, largely delivered in the taonga of Te Reo Maori.

Mauri ora!