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The Saturday Mixtape with Sam: September 5, 2020

This week, Sam play's tracks from the reissue of the Rolling Stones "Goats Head Soup" and the upcoming Captured Tracks compilation "Strum & Thrum: The American Jangle Underground 1983-1987." There is also new music from Clipping and Vulfpeck. 

Prince - Emancipation
TheRollingStones - AllTheRage
T.Rex - BuickMacKane&TheBabeShadow
DavidBowie - Stay
Adelaide Cara - Paranoia
Courtney Barnett & Phoebe Bridgers - Everything Is Free [Gillian Welch Cover - Live at Newport Folk Festival 2020]
TheFlyingBurritoBrothers - HotBurrito#1
(Liv).e - How She Stay Conflicted…I Hope He Understands
Vulfpeck - LAX (feat.JoeyDosik)
SoulIISoul - MissingYou
Shiraz & LSJ - Risky
clipping. - Say the Name
DelTheFunkeeHomosapien - Dr.Bombay
Wax Chattels - Efficiency
Radiohead - MyIronLung
R.E.M. - ITookYourName
Gordon Koang - Te Ke Mi Thile Ji Kuoth Nhial
JorgeBen - XicaDaSilva
Funkadelic - WhoSaysAFunkBandCan'tPlayRock?
hans. - Caught Up
Eyeliner - Los Angeles
The Reverbs - Trusted Woods
LedZeppelin - Nobody'sFaultButMine
LittleFeat - OnYourWayDown
NO-CLIP - Plushie