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All Them Witches - Alabaster

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The 95bFM Kids' Show - 19 April 2020

Broadcasting from Finn's house, it's another 3-hour Rāhui special! 

Richard M & Robert B Sherman - Sword in the Stone (part 1)
Richard M & Robert B Sherman - Sword in the Stone (part 2)
Dan & Dani - Do The Dinosaur Stomp
Brian Blessed - Jack & the Beanstalk
Joanna Lumley - Eleven Wild Swans
Belle & Sebastian - The Monkeys Are Breaking Out The Zoo
Anika Moa - Chop Chop Hiyaaa!
Una Stubbs - Cath's Cradle
Moe & Friends - Cooties
Marvin Miller - Fox In Sox
Spike Milligan - Bad Jelly The Witch
Craig Smith - Willbee The Bumblebee
Mike Phirman - What Makes the Breakfast?
Levity Beet - Captain Kumara
Alan Gregg - Grandma Says Oo-hoo!
Rainbow Rosalind - Spinning 'Round
Duncan Morrison - The Mischievous Mouse
Peanutbutter Fingers - Jump In A Puddle
Dan & Dani - A Spider Looking at Me
The Muppets - Mah Na Mah Nah
Lisa Crawley - Sunshine
Charles Penrose - The Laughing Policeman
Peter, Paul & Mary - Puff The Magic Dragon
Spike Milligan - On The Ning Nang Nong
The Jungle Book - I Wanna' Be Like You (The Monkey Song)