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Bulat & Dyshat - Bilbilim (The Organism Remix)

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The 95bFM Kids' Show: 29 September 2019

Gym comps, beaches, rock pools & parties!

Spike Milligan - Bad Jelly The Witch
Art Gilmore - Diana and The Golden Apples
Eddie Spaghetti - Wake Up, Wake Up
Levity Beet - Little Blue Penguin
Eardrop - Hikoi
Mr Roberelli - L-I-B-R-A-R-Y
Mike Phirman - In Your Biz
Marvin Miller - The Sneetches
Captain Festus McBoyle - Cheeky Little Monkey
fleaBITE - The Skellingtons of Wellington
Marshall Cavendish - Gobbolino the Kitchen Cat
Phil Harris - The Thing
Bunny Racket - Jingle Jangle Jaguar
Cy Wynstanley - Marley Sitting on a Pumpkin Seed
The Aunties - Tangaroa