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Alpha & Omega - Only Jah Children (Tor Ma In Dub)

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The 95bFM Kids' Show - 25 August 2019

Spring is here! No it's not! Yes! No.

David Walliams - The Ice Monster (ch. 53 - 59)
Eddie Spaghetti - Wake Up, Wake Up
Alan Gregg - Grandma Says Oo-hoo!
Music With Michal - Trouble with Bubbles
Mike Phirman - Use Your Imagination
Levity Beet - Hui o te Ata
FleaBITE - Fatty Ratty Party
Marshall Cavendish - The Lord of the Rushie River (Part 1)
Tomi Ungerer - The Three Robbers
John Williamson - Old Man Emu
Wilim Boyd Andy Clyde Randy Books - Hopalong Cassidy And The Haunted Goldmine