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The 95bFM Kids' Show: 24 February 2019

From one of the shortest What Am I? games last week to one of the longest this week! Who will take the prize? Find out on this week's Kids' Show podcast!

Roald Dahl - Charlie & the Chocolate Factory (Ch. 13 - 18)
Eddie Spaghetti - Wake Up, Wake Up
Alan Gregg - Grandma Says Oo-hoo!
Little Ripples - Rhythms of the House
Fatcat & Fishface - The Wreck of the Diddley
The Moe Show - Another Year of You
Mike Phirman - You've Got What It Takes
Jimmy Boyd/Gayla Peevy - Kitty In A Basket
Duncan Morrison - Jasper the Puppy
Belle & Sebastian - The Monkeys Are Breaking Out The Zoo
Stan Freberg - Banana Boat Song